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As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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2014-15 Facilities Master Planning

One of the nine facilities recommendations approved by the Moorhead School Board in November 2013 was to create a facilities task force to develop a long-range facilities plan. In August 2014, Moorhead Area Public Schools began working with Cuningham Group in preparing a comprehensive facility master plan to guide facilities planning and improvements for the next 10 years.

A facilities steering committee led the effort and a larger Facilities Master Planning Task Force incorporated community members in the planning process. Steering committee members were:

  • Dr. Lynne Kovash, superintendent
  • Brandon Lunak, assistant superintendent
  • Kristin Dehmer, executive director of Human Resources
  • Missy Eidsness, executive director of Learning and Accountability
  • Dan Markert, executive director of Information Systems and Instructional Support
  • Jill Skarvold, executive director of Learner Support Services
  • Dave Lawrence, Moorhead High School principal
  • Chris Triggs, Robert Asp Elementary principal
  • Scott Steffes, Moorhead School Board
  • Matt Valan, Moorhead School Board

The 2014-15 Facilities Master Planning Task Force included the 10 steering committee members and the following members:

  • Deb Becker
  • Maddie Brennemann
  • Bert Chamberlain
  • Kim Citrowski
  • Brian Cole
  • Pam Gibb
  • Brianna Gruenberg
  • James Gullekson
  • Scott Hagen
  • Jay Haiby
  • Chad Hansen
  • Nathan Heskin
  • Scott Hutchins
  • Todd Jelinski
  • Krystal Joos
  • Thomas Krabbenhoft
  • Kirt Liedahl
  • Brian Mancini
  • Chris Olson
  • Clint Rossland
  • Kjersten Skatvold
  • Andrew Thomason
  • Del Rae Williams
  • Trudy Wilmer

The facilities task force reviewed and considered recommendations and ideas to address instructional and safety needs at the school sites, including additional space needed.

In September, the task force developed the following vision for its work:

"We envision safe, inviting and inclusive learning environments that support sustainable culture of excellence in 21st century learning while fostering meaningful and collaborative community partnerships."

The task force also developed the following seven facility principles to guide the process:

  • Attractive and Inviting: Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to being a community development partner.
  • Community: Moorhead Area Public Schools committed to fostering community and engagement within schools inclusive of all stakeholders within the district.
  • Future Focused / Adaptable and Flexible: Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to providing adaptable and flexible facilities for our changing community and educational needs.
  • Student Centered: Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to serving and inspiring innovative growth and learning to the Moorhead students, staff and community.
  • Quality and Excellence in Education: Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to fostering quality and excellence in education.
  • Technology: Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to supporting evolving learning approaches through technology.
  • Safety: Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to providing safe and secure learning environments for all community stakeholders

At the School Board meeting on February 23, 2015, the Moorhead School Board accepted the final Facilities Master Plan with recommendations from Cuningham Group and the Facilities Master Planning Task Force.

The first phase of implementing the Facilities Master Plan involved the 2015 bond referendum and construction projects during 2015-2018. The second phase includes addressing high school facilities and creating a centralized operations center for the district. Construction of the operations center creates additional capacity for elementary students within existing buildings and saves approximately $21 million because the fifth elementary school identified in the Facilities Master Plan will not be needed at this time based on current enrollment projections.

Task Force Meeting Presentations and Video Provocations

Cuningham Group shared presentations and video provocations during the Facilities Master Planning Task Force meetings. The provocations were intended to create discussion and generate ideas.

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