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As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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  • From seeing how the district spends tax dollars to providing opportunities for lifelong learning, Moorhead Area Public Schools and the community are partners in education. We welcome your interest.
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Instruction and Curriculum Advisory Committee

Moorhead Area Public Schools is dedicated to offering quality education to all students. School personnel and community members work together as part of the Instruction and Curriculum Advisory Committee (ICAC) to refine and maintain the high standards of the educational programs in our school district.

The Instruction and Curriculum Advisory Committee advises administration and the School Board on implementation of the state and local graduation requirements, including K-12 curriculum, assessment, student learning opportunities, and other related issues.

ICAC, working in cooperation with other committees of the school district (technology, grade level, assessment committees, etc.) provides active community participation in:

  • Reviewing the school district instructional and curriculum plan, with emphasis on implementing the Minnesota Academic Standards;
  • Identifying annual instruction and curriculum improvement goals for recommendation to the School Board;
  • Making recommendations regarding the evaluation process that is used to measure school district progress toward its goals;
  • Making recommendations regarding the development of the Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Achievement.

The district's Human Rights Committee, which developed the Moorhead Area Public Schools Human Rights Education Action Plan in 2002, has since been combined with the Instruction and Curriculum Advisory Committee.

Read the ICAC meeting agendas and minutes.

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