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Windchill: 52°F (11°C)

As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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  • From seeing how the district spends tax dollars to providing opportunities for lifelong learning, Moorhead Area Public Schools and the community are partners in education. We welcome your interest.
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Property Services

Property Services is responsible for providing preventive and corrective maintenance to Moorhead Area Public Schools' buildings, grounds, mechanical and electrical equipment. Property Services also provides project management for capital outlay and minor improvement projects, and manages the monitoring of environmental hazards in the district buildings.

Lead in the Water Testing

Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for employees and students. The district has developed a lead in the water testing plan that complies with Minnesota Statute 121A.335.

Moorhead Area Public Schools will follow the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Health’s “Reducing Lead in Drinking Water: A Technical Guidance and Model Plan for Minnesota’s Public Schools.” The goal in following this guidance is to reduce lead levels at water taps to as close to 0 parts per billion as feasible, but not to exceed 20 parts per billion at any tap at any time.

Minnesota Statute 121A.335 requires school districts to test every five years for the presence of lead in drinking water in school buildings serving kindergarten through grade 12 students. This statute also requires school districts make the results of the testing available to the public for review and to notify parents of the availability of the information.

Testing in 2017 at Ellen Hopkins Elementary, Probstfield Center for Education, Robert Asp Elementary, and S.G. Reinertsen Elementary found no water sources exceeded the 20 parts per billion limit.

For more information about testing for lead in the water, contact Jim Smith, director of property services, at 218-284-1440.