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As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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  • From seeing how the district spends tax dollars to providing opportunities for lifelong learning, Moorhead Area Public Schools and the community are partners in education. We welcome your interest.
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Construction Projects 2000-2004

From 2000 to 2004, the Moorhead Area Public Schools undertook significant effort to enhance educational effectiveness, increase economic efficiency, provide equity in programs and services, and modernize the district’s schools. The school district’s collaborative, consensus-building decision-making process involved numerous stakeholders across the community.

On March 12, 2002, Moorhead School District voters approved a $64 million bond referendum to support improvements to school district facilities. The Moorhead School District’s project included the construction of a new K-5 elementary school and a new 6-8 middle school, the remodeling of Robert Asp and Moorhead Junior High to K-5 elementary schools, an addition to Moorhead High School, and the conversion of Probstfield Elementary School into a district education center.

Several educational enhancements were implemented to further improve the quality education provided by the Moorhead Area Public Schools. Educational enhancements included reconfiguring the grade structure, implementing the middle school model for grades 6-8, creating smaller learning communities, and creating a ninth grade center.

Below is additional information about the construction projects and the implementation of educational enhancements.

General Information
Decision-Making Process and Community Task Forces Summary
Process / Project Timeline 2000-2004

Construction Projects
Construction Projects Summary
Construction Updates and Photos

Educational Enhancements
Educational Enhancements Summary
What is a Middle School?

Elementary School Attendance Area Task Force
Task Force Responsibilities, Updates, Photos and Meeting Notes

School Naming Task Force
Task Force Responsibilities, Guidelines, Updates, Photos and Meeting Notes