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As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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Board Members and Administrators Tour Construction - February 2004

Doorways seen on the upper right are the entrances and exits to the kitchen serving area.
Doorways seen on the upper right are the entrances and exits to the kitchen serving area.
This music classroom has plastic sheeting covering window openings.
This music classroom has plastic sheeting covering window openings.
Concrete needs to be poured for the floor in the cafetorium. Rebar is in place on this side in preparation for pouring the floor.
Concrete needs to be poured for the floor in the cafetorium. Rebar is in place on this side in preparation for pouring the floor.
Tim Zerr, Zerr Berg Architects, points out where the movable divider will go in the gymnasium. This will allow two classes to use the space.
Tim Zerr, Zerr Berg Architects, points out where the movable divider will go in the gymnasium. This will allow two classes to use the space.
Sheetrock fills the area where the main office will be located.
Sheetrock fills the area where the main office will be located.
Next to the main gymnasium is a second smaller gymnasium.
Next to the main gymnasium is a second smaller gymnasium.
Progress on the media center can be seen when looking down from the third floor. Once completed, the southeast side of the two-story media center will be glass.
Progress on the media center can be seen when looking down from the third floor. Once completed, the southeast side of the two-story media center will be glass.
Classrooms in the three-story academic wing have been sheetrocked and ceiling grids are being installed. Lab stations are being installed in this science classroom.
Classrooms in the three-story academic wing have been sheetrocked and ceiling grids are being installed. Lab stations are being installed in this science classroom.
Besides serving as a cafeteria, the cafetorium contains a stage for performances. The doorways from the stage lead to the music classrooms.
Besides serving as a cafeteria, the cafetorium contains a stage for performances. The doorways from the stage lead to the music classrooms.
From the third floor, the music classrooms and main entrance can be seen. The cafetorium is directly behind the music classrooms.
From the third floor, the music classrooms and main entrance can be seen. The cafetorium is directly behind the music classrooms.
The main entrance for the school is also enclosed with plastic sheeting.
The main entrance for the school is also enclosed with plastic sheeting.