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As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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Foundation and Site Work - November 2002

Battling windy conditions, construction workers saw boards to use in making the concrete forms.
Battling windy conditions, construction workers saw boards to use in making the concrete forms.
Site work and foundation work, which began Oct. 7, 2002, continue at the site of the new middle school.
Site work and foundation work, which began Oct. 7, 2002, continue at the site of the new middle school.
Approximately five weeks after beginning work at the middle school site, workers complete forms in preparation of pouring concrete for the foundation of the school’s three-story academic wing.
Approximately five weeks after beginning work at the middle school site, workers complete forms in preparation of pouring concrete for the foundation of the school’s three-story academic wing.
A scraper, fully loaded with soil, hauls the load to another area of the site.
A scraper, fully loaded with soil, hauls the load to another area of the site.
With equipment hauling soil in the background, the workers continue constructing the forms in preparation for pouring foundation and footings.
With equipment hauling soil in the background, the workers continue constructing the forms in preparation for pouring foundation and footings.
Heavy equipment hauls soil out of the area on the middle school site where the retention pond will be located.
Heavy equipment hauls soil out of the area on the middle school site where the retention pond will be located.