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Process / Project Timeline: August 2000-November 2004

August 2000

Superintendent Larry P. Nybladh announces five Future-Focused Initiatives in response to declining enrollment and the subsequent budget situation.

February 2001

Dr. Roger Worner completes the five-month Organizational Analysis Study, one of the future-focused initiatives.

April 23, 2001

The "Recommendation for a Decision-Making Process" is presented by Dr. Larry P. Nybladh, superintendent, and approved by the School Board. The decision-making process includes eight Primary Focus Areas, which will be addressed by administrative reports, research study groups and community task forces.

July 2001

The Membership Selection Committee names parents, district employees and community members to five community task forces. The community task forces will address the areas of Student Demographics, Facility and Grade Level Configuration Model, Middle School Model, High School Enhancement, and Alternative Education Delivery Model.

September 2001

The task forces convene and begin meeting regularly.

October 2001

The Middle School Model Community Task Force recommends implementation of the middle school model to the Facility and Grade Level Configuration Model Task Force.

November 7, 2001

The Student Demographics Task Force presents its recommendations to the Facility and Grade Level Configuration Model Task Force.

November 27, 2001

The Alternative Education Delivery Model and High School Enhancement Community Task Forces present their recommendations to the Facility and Grade Level Configuration Task Force.

December 4, 2001

The Facility and Grade Level Configuration Task Force presents its report to Superintendent Nybladh.

December 10, 2001

The School Board receives the task force reports and forwards them to administration for consideration. The School Board receives the Facilities Master Plan. The board votes unanimously to hold a special election on March 12, 2002, to approve a $64 million bond referendum.

January 3, 2002

The commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning judges the proposed construction project to be educationally and economically advisable.

January 28, 2002

The School Board approves the hiring of Rozeboom Miller Architects, Inc. and Zerr Berg Architects, Inc. for district wide pre-referendum planning and post-referendum design, contingent upon successful passage of the scheduled bond referendum.

March 12, 2002

Voters approve the $64 million bond referendum to support improvements to school district facilities.

March 25, 2002

Bonds to fund construction projects are sold at a 5.0482% interest rate. The school district will levy 19 years instead of 20 years for a savings of $4.5 million.

The School Board approves the hiring of Kraus-Anderson Construction Company for the construction management of a new elementary school, a new middle school, remodeling and additions to Robert Asp Elementary and Moorhead Junior High School, remodeling and additions to Moorhead High School, and remodeling of Probstfield Elementary School for a district education center.

April 2002

Four design committees begin meeting regularly to discuss design needs of the high school, middle school, three elementary schools and the district education center.

May 28, 2002

Ted Rozeboom, Rozeboom Miller Architects, and Tim Zerr, Zerr Berg Architects, present the Pre-Design report to the School Board.

July 15, 2002

The School Board votes to accept Schematic Designs for the Moorhead High School additions and remodel, the new middle school, the Robert Asp remodel, the Moorhead Junior High remodel, and the Probstfield remodel. Approval of the Schematic Design Phase approves the construction of the new middle school on district property near 12th Avenue South and 40th Street.

August 26, 2002

The School Board approves the sale of Townsite to Roger J. Erickson for $820,000 plus contingencies.

August 27, 2002

The school district sponsors a community ice cream social in Viking Ship Park to provide an opportunity for community members to socialize and receive an update on the district’s facilities plans and educational enhancements. Booths display the building plans and models and the educational enhancement efforts. Architects, administrators and members of the design committees and implementation teams answer questions from community members.

September 26, 2002

The School Board awards Bid Package 1 for partial site work, footings and foundations for the new Moorhead middle school to Meinecke-Johnson Co. of Fargo.

October 9, 2002

Students, School Board members, administrators, teachers and other community representatives participate in the groundbreaking for the 230,000 square-foot middle school. The students attending the groundbreaking represent the current fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade classes. These students will be sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders when the new middle school opens in the fall of 2004.

November 11, 2002

The School Board approves the Schematic Design for the new elementary school, which will be built at 40th Avenue and 14th Street South. The board also votes to approve the Design Development for the middle school after a presentation about the interior and exterior finishes and the site and building plans of the new school.

November 25, 2002

Tim Zerr, Zerr Berg Architects, presents the Design Development for the additions and remodeling of Moorhead High School. Following the presentation, the School Board approves the Design Development for Moorhead High School.

December 2002

Work continues on the footings and foundations for the three-story academic wing of the new middle school.

December 9, 2002

The School Board awards Bid Package 2 for the district’s new middle school. The board awards bid division one for precast concrete to Hanson Spancrete, bid division two for erection of the precast concrete to Wanzek Construction, and bid division three for structural steel to Mid-America Steel.

December 16, 2002

Ted Rozeboom, Rozeboom Miller Architects, presents the Design Development for the new elementary school. Following a presentation about the interior and exterior finishes and the site and building plans of the new elementary school, the board votes to approve the Design Development.

January 13, 2003

Jim Cole, Zerr Berg Architects, reviews the Design Development Phase of the remodeling of Robert Asp School and Moorhead Junior High School into K-5 elementary schools with the School Board. The board votes to approve the Design Development. The School Board also votes to establish a School Naming Task Force and hears an update on the work of the Elementary Transition Team.

January 27, 2003

The School Board approves the first bids for the new elementary school. Bid division one of Bid Package 1 for precast concrete is awarded to MNDAK Concrete, Inc. Bid division three of Bid Package 1 for structural steel is awarded to Fargo Tank and Steel.

January 30, 2003

Fourteen representatives are named to the School Naming Task Force. The task force is charged with developing a community process for naming the district’s facilities and preparing a recommendation for school names.

February 6, 2003

The School Naming Task Force convenes.

February 24, 2003

The School Board approves bids for asbestos abatement work at Moorhead High School, Moorhead Junior High School and Robert Asp Elementary.

March 1, 2003

District programs and tenants vacate the Voyager complex.

March 10, 2003

The School Board awards $10,866,592 in contracts for Bid Package 1 for construction at Moorhead High School. The board approves Bid Package 1 for mechanical unit ventilators for the Robert Asp and Junior High remodeling projects to Trane Company.

The School Board approves Bid Package 3 for work at the new middle school. Bid division one of Bid Package 3 for masonry is awarded to Haugen Masonry, and bid division two of Bid Package 3 for the erection of structural steel is awarded to North Central Construction. The board also hears an update on the efforts of the Middle School Implementation Team, which is preparing a recommendation for core, exploratory and elective classes to be offered at the new middle school.

March 24, 2003

The School Board awards the bid for asbestos work at the Voyager Complex to JC Environmental. The board approves Bid Package 2 bid divisions one through four for $1,523,824 for construction of the new elementary school. The board also approves bid divisions 26, 31 and 35 of Bid Package 1 for $361,185 for the construction at Moorhead High School.

April 2003

Structural steel, masonry and precast concrete are erected at the middle school. Site work continues at the new elementary school. Foundation work continues on the ninth grade center and commons addition at Moorhead High School.

April 14, 2003

The School Board awards $7,026,814 in contracts for Bid Package 2 for the conversions of Robert Asp Elementary School and Moorhead Junior High School to K-5 elementary schools.

April 24, 2003

The School Naming Task Force finalizes its recommendations.

April 28, 2003

The School Board awards $15,670,322 in contracts for Bid Package 4 for mechanical, electrical and general construction of the new middle school. The board also approves Bid Package 3 for $5,317,554 for construction of the new elementary school. With the construction projects under budget, the School Board approves $911,516 of construction alternates.

The School Board approves the 2004-05 principal realignment plan, which uses attrition to downsize the level of administrative staffing, prioritizes the needs of the district, and seeks the most appropriate job fit for principals and positions.

May 5, 2003

At a special meeting, the School Board approves Bid Package 2 bid division 12-J for the construction at Robert Asp and the Junior High.

May 12, 2003

The School Naming Task Force Recommendation Report is presented to the School Board. The board is expected to take action on the recommendations May 27.

The School Board approves the bid from Northern Improvement for the demolition work at the Voyager complex. The School Board approves $986,087 of construction alternates, including upgrades to interior finishes that will require less future maintenance. The board also approves the remainder of Bid Package 3 for $1,503,111 for construction of the new elementary school.

May 27, 2003

At the May 27 meeting, the School Board approved the School Naming Task Force’s recommendations.

June 9, 2003

The School Board approves bids for the remodeling of second floor space at the Moorhead Sports Center. The Moorhead High School art department will move into this space. Bids of $47,805 are awarded to CB & Sons Electric, Peterson Mechanical, and Minko Construction.

June 26, 2003

School Board members and district administrators tour the five school construction sites.

July 2003

The Voyager complex is demolished to create a larger site for Robert Asp Elementary School.

July 28, 2003

At the July 28 meeting, the board approves an agreement with Foss Engineering for the commissioning of Moorhead High School, Horizon Middle School, Robert Asp Elementary, S.G. Reinertsen Elementary, and Ellen Hopkins Elementary. The state of Minnesota requires new construction and large remodeling projects to be reviewed by a mechanical engineer to ensure they meet building code and Department of Education specifications.

August 7, 2003

District and building administrators tour the construction sites.

August 11, 2003

At the August 11 School Board meeting, Superintendent Larry P. Nybladh requests the establishment of an elementary school attendance area task force. The task force will research, examine, and consider alternative options for the district’s elementary school attendance areas for implementation in 2004-05. A recommendation report will be submitted to Superintendent Nybladh by approximately December 15, 2003. The board approves the recommendation.

Moorhead High school administrators present School Board members with information about a research study group that will study the implications of the No Child Left Behind Act and the new Minnesota academic standards and credit requirements on programming at Moorhead High School. Final approval for formation of the study group will be requested at the August 25 meeting.

August 25, 2003

Board members approve the High School Enhancement Research Study Group Proposal. The research study group will focus on the impact of new accountability standards on students and research and best practices to enhance the quality of student learning at Moorhead High School. A report will be submitted to the Superintendent by approximately December 1.

School Board members view the just-released 15-minute video titled "Blueprint for Excellence -- Construction Overview." Staff members will view the video during workshops August 27-29, 2003, and it will also be available on the district’s Web site. Watch the video: Blueprint for Excellence.

September 16, 2003

Minnesota Education Commissioner Cheri Pierson Yecke tours the middle school construction. Information is shared with the commissioner about the district’s plan for improving facilities as well as the efforts to implement the middle school model and other educational enhancements.

October 30, 2003

The 15 members of the school district’s Elementary School Attendance Area Task Force begin meeting to research and consider alternative options for the district’s elementary school attendance areas for implementation in 2004-05.

November 10, 2003

Jim Cole from Zerr Berg Architects and Terry Hart from Kraus-Anderson present the Design Development for the Probstfield Center for Education. The presentation details the interior and exterior finishes, site and building plans, cost estimates, and work schedule. Following the presentation, the School Board approves the Design Development.

November 24, 2003

The School Board authorizes the advertisement for bids for the renovation work at the new Probstfield Center for Education. The bid opening will be January 20, 2004. The board also approves a replat of the Moorhead Senior High addition. The replat is a result of the construction project and development of the new ring road at Moorhead High School.

December 8, 2003

At the December 8 School Board meeting, board members approve the advertisement of bids for Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment for the new and remodeled schools and for bids on the Moorhead High School parking lot resurface.

Representatives of the Moorhead High School Enhancement Study Group present recommendations to the School Board. The proposal recommends changing the present schedule to an alternative schedule which combines 45 and 90 minute periods. The proposal also addresses the increased state requirements by increasing the local requirement for graduation from 21 credits to 26 credits beginning for the class of 2007-08. The recommendation will be presented to the board for action at the January 12 meeting.

January 5, 2004

Students and staff began using the ninth grade center at Moorhead High School. On each floor, classrooms surround resource areas, which have lockers and computers for students to use. Renovation of the first floor area below the media center is now underway.

January 12, 2004

The School Board authorizes the advertisement for bids for the Moorhead High School swimming pool liner replacement and mechanical systems upgrade. The board also approves a replat of the Middle School Addition and a replat of the South Elementary Addition as a result of the construction and development of Horizon Middle School and S.G. Reinertsen Elementary School. Board members authorize the district administration to hire Coldwell Banker as commercial real estate brokers for the sale of Edison, Lincoln and Riverside Schools.

Superintendent Nybladh presents the recommendation of the Elementary School Attendance Area Task Force. The task force began meeting in October 2003 and developed the report through research, examination and consideration of alternative options for the district’s elementary school attendance areas for implementation in 2004-05. The task force’s work was conducted according to the district’s goals for this process: efficiency, effectiveness, equity, and future growth. Board action will be requested at the January 26, 2004 meeting.

School Board members approve the Moorhead High School Enhancement Research Study Group’s proposal. The schedule and credit recommendations will be implemented in the 2004-05 school year. Board members also review the Middle School Implementation Team’s recommendations regarding the middle school curriculum, scheduling and philosophy. The proposal will be presented to the Board at the January 26 meeting for action.

January 26, 2004

The School Board approves the Elementary School Attendance Area Task Force Recommendation Report for implementation in the 2004-2005 school year. The board also approves the sale of Thomas Edison Elementary School to John Ommen for the amount of $975,000 plus contingencies.

Following a statement about the schedule of core curriculum and exploratory classes, middle school activities, and gifted and talented programs as discussed at the previous meeting related to the Middle School Implementation Team Recommendation Report, the board votes to approve the schedule and curriculum for Horizon Middle School for implementation in the 2004-2005 school year.

Additionally, the board approves Bid Package 1, bid divisions 1 through 21, excluding 9 relating to construction at Probstfield Center for Education. Additionally the board approves the bid of $223,365 from Aggregate Industries for the north parking lot reconstruction at Moorhead High School.

February 9, 2004

The School Board approves the advertisement of bids for the demolition of George Washington Elementary School. After the proposed bid opening on March 16, and School Board approval on March 22, 2004, it is estimated the demolition will occur between July 19 and August 14, 2004.

February 23, 2004

Ken Cote of Kraus-Anderson Construction Management and Tim Zerr of Zerr Berg Architects provide a tour of Horizon Middle School for School Board members, district officials, and local media representatives. Classrooms in the three-story academic wing have been sheetrocked and ceiling grids are being installed. Lab stations are being installed in science classrooms. Concrete needs to be poured for the floor in the cafetorium.

At the School Board meeting, board members approve the sale of Riverside Elementary School to Concordia College for $550,000 plus contingencies. The board also authorizes the administration to advertise for bids regarding the asbestos abatement at Moorhead High School, Washington Elementary and Probstfield Elementary and approves the furniture, fixture and equipment bids with Brown and Saenger, Corporate Express and Embury Ltd.

March 8, 2004

Kevin Rentz of Kraus-Anderson Construction Management and Tim Zerr of Zerr Berg Architects provide a tour of S.G. Reinertsen Elementary School to School Board members and district officials.

At the School Board meeting, elementary principals Anne Moyano, Kevin Kopperud and Mary Jo Schmid present information regarding elementary implementation planning for the 2004-2005 school year.

The recommendation for the school day start and end times for the 2004-05 school year is presented to the board. The criteria used to determine the times for the school day centered on efficiency for the district, efficiency for the school and appropriate time for students. Scenarios were developed and analyzed. Information on the optimum time for students to be in school, the current schedules and the times that students would be on bus routes were also considered. Following the presentation, the board approves the start and end times for the 2004-2005 school year as presented.

March 22, 2004

The School Board approves the bids for asbestos abatement at George Washington Elementary School, Moorhead High School and Probstfield Elementary School.

School Board members also hear a proposal from Moorhead Community Access Television (MCAT) about shared facilities at Moorhead High School. The proposal calls for the creation of a television production studio, control booth and editing bays with the Black Box Theater space at Moorhead High School. As part of the agreement, MCAT will provide equipment that will be available for school district use. Board action on the shared facility use agreement will be requested at the April 12, 2004 meeting.

April 2004

The flooring is being installed in the fieldhouse at Moorhead High. Work continues on the lower level of the media center.

April 12, 2004

The School Board approves the shared facilities use agreement with Moorhead Community Access Television and accepts the bid from Landwehr Construction for demolition work at Washington Elementary School. The board also approves the sale of Lots 2 and 3 of Block 1 of the South Elementary School Addition (S.G. Reinertsen Elementary School site) as well as Lot 2 of Block 1 of the Middle School Addition (Horizon Middle School site) for $181,097.05 to the City of Moorhead.

Additionally, the board approves the advertisement of bids for electronic message boards, advertisement for bids for swimming pool replacement at Moorhead High School, and advertisement of the Request for Proposal for the sale of excess land at S.G. Reinertsen Elementary School. Administration is authorized to negotiate the sale of Tracks A and B of Lot 1 of the Middle School Addition (Horizon Middle School site) to R.D. Offutt Company.

April 15

Members of the Superintendent’s Advisory Council tour the middle school construction site.

April 26, 2004

The School Board authorizes district administration to advertise for bids for the school district security system.

April 29

Riverside Elementary School is commemorated with an Art Fair, Book Fair and Ice Cream Social.

May 10, 2004

At the May 10 meeting,the School Board voted to sell 22.5 acres of land , Lot 1, Block 1 of the South Elementary School Addition, near S.G. Reinertsen Elementary School to R.D. Offutt Company for $647,149.54. Of that amount $309,949.54 was for reimbursement to the district for special assessments already paid to the city. Offutt plans to build as many as six apartments and about 100 single-family homes.

The board also approved bids from Indigo Signworks for electronic message boards at all six facilities and three bids with Wanzek Construction, Quantum Construction and Moorhead Electric for renovations of the high school swimming pool.

May 11, 2004

Current and former Probstfield staff are invited for cake and coffee at Probstfield Elementary School.

May 2004

Interior and exterior construction at S.G. Reinertsen Elementary School nears completion. By late May, site work is underway on the north side of S.G. Reinertsen Elementary School.

May 13, 2004

The academic wing at Horizon Middle School nears completion, and work continues on other areas of the school.

May 19, 2004

Staff are invited to commemorate the closing of Moorhead Junior High School.

May 20, 2004

As part of Thomas Edison Elementary School's 50th Anniversary Celebration, former and current students and staff members are invited to tour the building and peruse a history room featuring pictures, artifacts, videos and written reflections related to Edison Elementary.

May 27, 2004

Current and former staff attend a tea at George Washington Elementary School and a public open house allows the community to say farewell to the school.

June 1, 2004

A public open house celebrates Probstfield Elementary School closing as an elementary school. PTAC serves cake and punch to past and present students, families, teachers, staff and the community.

June 14, 2004

Following a presentation about the districtwide security systems bid, the School Board accepts the bid from ECI.

June 2004

S.G. Reinertsen Elementary School is ready for the summer school program to be held at the school beginning in mid June.

July 19, 2004

The School Board approves the sale of Lincoln School to Fargo Youth Commission for $200,000 plus contingencies. Additionally the board sells property described as Lots Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), and Fifteen (15), in Block Four (4) of Moore's First Addition to the Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity for $10,000.

Summer 2004

Construction continues across the district during the summer.

July 2004

George Washington Elementary School is demolished to create a larger site for the newly renovated Robert Asp Elementary School.

August 23, 2004

Kraus-Anderson Construction Management representatives Ted Schweich and Steve Jensen provide a report regarding the current budget analysis as well as a building by building timelines related to the completion of projects.

August 2004

Work to finalize the schools is still being completed as teachers and staff return in late August. Community Education and Early Intervention Services move into their areas at Probstfield Center for Education in late August.

September 1, 2004

District employees gather for the all staff breakfast and assembly. As part of the assembly, staff view the video presentation "The Future Is Here," which concludes with students singing "You Are Our Heroes."

September 7, 2004

The district’s new and newly remodeled schools open for the 2004-05 school year. Preliminary figures for opening day total K-12 enrollment are 5,271.

September 25, 2004

A dedication ceremony is held to celebrate the first time in 35 years that all of the schools in the district were new or newly renovated. The ceremony includes comments from Chas Anderson, Deputy Commissioner from the Minnesota Department of Education, Mayor Mark Voxland, and Superintendent Larry P. Nybladh. The families of the schools’ namesakes are acknowledged. The video presentation and dedication "The Future Is Here" is shown and students conclude the ceremony with "You Are Our Heroes." Community members are invited to tour the schools during open houses that afternoon. In the evening, eight inaugural members are inducted into the Moorhead High School Hall of Honor at a recognition ceremony.

September 27, 2004

The School Board holds its last meeting at Townsite Centre. Townsite Centre was built in 1928, and the district offices and School Board meetings have been located and held at Townsite since 1968.

September 2004

During the last few days of September, the district offices move to Probstfield Center for Education.

October 11, 2004

The School Board holds its first meeting in the Probstfield Center for Education Board Room.

November 16, 2004

Ambassadors from the Fargo-Moorhead Chamber of Commerce help the district celebrate the completion of the construction projects and the relocation of the district offices and Community Education programs to Probstfield Center for Education during a ribbon-cutting ceremony held in conjunction with America Education Week. Following remarks by Superintendent Larry P. Nybladh and Mayor Mark Voxland, district representatives cut the ribbon.