View Policies and Procedures

Family Involvement
Type: Administrative Procedure
Code: 104.2
Adopted Date: 6/26/1995
Revised Date(s): 12/08/2008, 05/02/2019, 05/08/2019, 02/16/2022, 12/17/2024
Reviewed Date(s): 02/14/2000, 12/13/2004, 12/08/2008, 12/10/2012, 11/09/2015, 01/18/2022, 12/17/2024


The purpose of this procedure is to affirm a strong partnership between home and school. Family involvement in a student's education is a factor in student achievement. 

Informed and involved families become supporters of the school. Family involvement is a critical link to student achievement, to achieving a high-quality education, and to a safe disciplined learning environment.

Family involvement will be encouraged at all grade levels. There shall be opportunities for parents/guardians to become involved both at home and at school. A special effort will be made to reach out to all parents/guardians and to accommodate language, culture, or family conditions to help all participate in their child's education. Changing family structures and strengths and needs will be recognized and programs planned accordingly.

The school district will keep parents/guardians informed of their child's progress in school and activities. There will be opportunities for parents/guardians to become involved and provide input in building and district decisions. The staff will encourage open communication between parents/guardians and the schools.
Cross References:
Moorhead School Board Policy 103: Philosophy of Education of Moorhead Area Public Schools
Moorhead School Board Policy 104: Mission Statement
Moorhead School Board Policy 102: Equal Educational Opportunity
Moorhead School Board Policy 607: Title I Policy Governing Parental Involvement
Moorhead School Board Policy 923: Community Involvement