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As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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Residents approve school district's bond referendum

November 9, 2015

Voters in the Moorhead Area Public Schools approved the district’s $78.2 million bond referendum 4,014 (64%) to 2,255 (36%). The ballot question required a simple majority to pass. School district election results were canvassed by the School Board on Nov. 9 and are now official.

Results for Moorhead Area Public Schools’ Nov. 3 bond referendum are posted to the district’s website at

“We are very excited for our students to have facilities that will provide safe, inviting and inclusive learning environments,” said Dr. Lynne Kovash, superintendent. “I want to thank our community for demonstrating its support of our students and schools.” 

The $78.2 million bond will provide for growth and learning by:

  • Adding secure entries in all school buildings;
  • Creating adequate and appropriate learning environments for students from early childhood through grade 8;
  • Building a K-4 elementary school for 750 students;
  • Building a grades 5-6 school connected to Horizon Middle School to create a shared grades 5-8 campus, reducing transitions for students;
  • Building an auditorium for school and community use at Horizon Middle School; and
  • Returning Probstfield Center for Education to an early childhood and district education center focused on the needs of our youngest learners.

An update on the construction projects will be presented to the School Board at the Nov. 23 meeting.

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