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Windchill: 52°F (11°C)

As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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Moorhead School Board hears update on plans for secure entrances at elementary schools

March 11, 2016

As part of the ongoing effort to inform the public and School Board about progress on the referendum projects, Kerry Peuser, from Michael J. Burns Architects, Inc., provided information to the board in February regarding the secure entrances at the elementary schools. Work will begin this summer to remodel the office areas at Ellen Hopkins, Robert Asp and S.G. Reinertsen Elementary Schools to provide for increased safety and security.
As a part of the design process, architects held design development information gathering sessions and revised plans for the office additions, which will be under construction this summer. Construction bids are being accepted until March 22. Additional remodeling work at the elementary schools will be done during the summer of 2017.

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