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Facilities task force develops principles to guide planning process

October 6, 2014

Members of Moorhead Area Public Schools’ facilities task force began their work in September by sharing their hopes for the process. At the end of the two four-hour meetings, the task force members had created a shared vision and developed facility principles to use to guide the five-month planning process.

Moorhead Area Public Schools is working with Cuningham Group in preparing a comprehensive facility master plan to guide facilities planning and improvements for the next 10 years. Cuningham Group did walk-throughs of the district’s facilities in August.

The Facilities Master Planning Task Force, which includes representation from stakeholder groups in the community, incorporates community members in the planning process with Cuningham Group.

During the Sept. 15 and 16 meetings, task force members were introduced to the idea of creativity in education by watching Sir Ken Robinson’s TEDtalk “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”. They also watched a video about project-based learning at High Tech High, public charter schools in California.

Discussion included future challenges facing the district and limiting beliefs or preconceptions that might factor into the planning process. Task force members were reminded that creativity is risky and that sometimes to get where you want to go you have to try on new beliefs.

The task force agreed to the following vision statement for the process: We envision safe, inviting and inclusive learning environments that support a sustainable culture of excellence in 21st century learning, while fostering meaningful and collaborative community partnerships and acting with fiscal responsibility.

Principles that were discussed include serving and inspiring innovative growth and learning, providing adaptable facilities for our changing community, supporting evolving learning approaches through technology, fostering quality and excellence in education, providing safe and secure learning environments, fostering community and engagement within the schools, and being a community development partner.

During the Oct. 7 and 8 meetings, the task force members will learn about district initiatives and work on developing facilities standards using the vision and principles developed in September.

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