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Facilities task force determines facilities standards at October meeting

October 31, 2014

Members of Moorhead Area Public Schools’ facilities task force spent their October meetings learning about district initiatives and developing facilities standards using the vision and principles developed by the task force in September.

Moorhead Area Public Schools is working with Cuningham Group in preparing a comprehensive facility master plan to guide facilities planning and improvements for the next 10 years. The Facilities Master Planning Task Force, which includes representation from stakeholder groups in the community, incorporates community members in the planning process with Cuningham Group.

Following a review of the vision and principles developed in September, task force members learned about priorities, district history, enrollment projections, building capacity, curriculum review, technology, learner support services, alternative education and community education from district administrators at the Oct. 7 meeting. The presentation is available at

The task force also viewed the metro school district’s Education That Works video at and Sir Ken Robinson’s presentation on changing education paradigms.

Task force members then determined the facilities standards, which will be put into a matrix and used at the schools to evaluate each facility’s ability to support the standards. The gap analysis information will be shared at the task force’s November meetings. Additionally in November, the task force members will tour district facilities and visit Alexandria’s new high school.

On Oct. 8, the task force members reviewed the facilities standards and participated in a “think outside the blocks” design exercise to develop the ideal learning environment. Task force members needed to think about how the space was used and relationships between different spaces in the learning environment.


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