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Progress continues on portrait of a graduate action plan

July 27, 2018

In March 2018, the Moorhead School Board accepted the Designing Moorhead High School’s 21st Century Academic/Instructional Program Task Force Report. Efforts continue on implementing the 18-month action plan with updates shared at School Board meetings in April, May and July.

Dave Lawrence, Moorhead High School principal, provided board members with an update during their July 16 work session. Previously, the board heard updates about the summer professional development opportunities for Moorhead High teachers in April and about the hybrid social studies pilot in May.

During the first phase of the Designing Moorhead High School’s 21st Century Academic/Instructional Program in 2016-17, data was collected from internal and external stakeholders through 11 listening sessions, a perception survey taken by more than 375 residents, and the community task force. Phase I included site visits and the development of a mission statement, belief statements, and a portrait of a graduate for Moorhead High School based on data collected.

The task force determined the portrait of a graduate by identifying the skills, attributes and abilities that Moorhead students need to be successful when they graduate from high school:
• Resilience — growth mindset
• Critical Thinking
• Communication
• Problem Solving
• Empathy — diversity, inclusive and altruistic
• Content Mastery
• Collaboration
• Creativity

During the 2017-18 school year, the task force reconvened for Phase II to refine the nine guiding principles on academic programming, instruction, technology and facility design.

Recommendations from the task force fall under the areas of system and structure, academic and curricular program, instruction, assessment, technology, facilities, professional development and communication. Read the complete report at

During the July update, Lawrence said efforts in the area of system and structure include furniture pilots for classrooms and the old commons area.

Under the area of academic and curricular program, teachers are being asked to audit and review the course offerings this school year.

“We are looking at reviewing course offerings and starting a conversation about are we offering courses that are going to be important to kids as they leave our school,” Lawrence said.

He said portrait attributes will be embedded in course descriptions in the registration guide. Also, high school staff are being purposeful at increasing business partnerships in the community to provide students authentic learning experiences.

Under instruction, Lawrence said one of the goals is to define personalized learning for Moorhead Area Public Schools. Additionally Moorhead teachers had training on project-based learning this summer.

Under assessment, different systems are in place and need to be reviewed for monitoring college, career and life readiness. Technology at Moorhead High School is being expanded with seven additional carts of computers added for fall. Numerous high school teachers attended Metro Tech Camp for professional development in incorporating technology in their instruction.

Construction to better secure Moorhead High is happening this summer. Office areas are being combined and 50 lockers added, Lawrence said.

The final facilities action item is to create a facilities task force to revisit the Facilities Master Plan related to Moorhead High School and develop recommendations related to building capacity and program adequacy.

The School Board voted July 16 to implement the recommendation for forming the High School Facilities Task Force. Applications are being taken online through Friday, Aug. 3 for the High School Facilities Task Force, which will meet during the 2018-19 school year. The task force will include representation from stakeholder groups in the community. Applications may be submitted at

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