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Windchill: 52°F (11°C)

As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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  • From seeing how the district spends tax dollars to providing opportunities for lifelong learning, Moorhead Area Public Schools and the community are partners in education. We welcome your interest.
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We Are Proud Newcomb & Wesley

January 29, 2020

We Are Proud of Moorhead High's Jack Newcomb and Jacob Wesley for receiving the Minnesota State High School League’s Most Valuable Teammate Award for the week of Dec. 12 for their acts of kindness toward a football teammate. Newcomb and Wesley helped organize 70 Moorhead athletes and coaches to congratulate their teammate as he completed his final treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. They all gathered at Roger Maris Cancer Center, surprising the teammate as he walked out.

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