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April 24, 2003 Meeting Notes

School Naming Task Force
Moorhead Area Public Schools
7:30 p.m. April 24, 2003

Members Present:

Denise Paulson,
Jeanne Aske,
Brad Holschuh,
Sandee Rasmussen,
Matt Naugle,
Roger Erickson,
Carol Ladwig,
Jeff Offutt.

Members Absent:

Bryce Haugen,
Mark Meister,
Lyn Dwyer,
Maggie Rousseau,
Lauri Winterfeldt-Shanks
Steve Scheel.

District Representatives:

Dr. Larry P. Nybladh, Superintendent,
Pam Gibb, Communications Coordinator.

Task force members reviewed the draft of the recommendation report.

Call to Order

Aske called the meeting to order.

Review of Report

Dr. Nybladh explained that the draft of the report was a similar format to other community task force reports done for the district. He indicated that the appendices will be attached before the report would go to the School Board. Also, a section on page 13 of the report required discussion by the task force to complete.

The task force members discussed those who should be thanked. It was decided that all presenters, Mark Peihl, Sandee Rasmussen, Bob Loeffler, Ted Rozeboom, Lauri Winterfeldt-Shanks, Dr. Paul Dovre, Jeanne Aske, Bryce Haugen and Roger Erickson, should be acknowledged. The task force also decided to thank all the community members who took the time to make submissions of school names, Dr. Nybladh and Pam Gibb for their assistance with the process, and the School Board for giving them the opportunity to be a part of the school naming process.

There was discussion whether some of the other suggestions should be shared as an appendix to the report. Previously the task force had spoken about the possibility of naming portions of buildings such as the ninth grade center, media centers or plazas and of approaching the city about naming streets near the two new schools with names related to those of the schools. It was decided that the charge of the task force had been to name the schools, but that those suggestions could be passed on to the School Board through district administration.

Included in the report is a recommendation for curriculum to be developed about each of the individuals being honored by having a school building named for them. There was discussion that this could be connected to curriculum already being done in the schools, such as social studies curriculum or lessons on biographies. It was suggested to add a recommendation that the development of a motto using a metaphor be considered for each of the elementary schools.

Reminders related to the School Board meeting dates and times will be sent to all task force members. The school name recommendations will be presented to the School Board at the Monday, May 12 meeting at 7 p.m. in the Townsite Centre Board Room. Action on the recommendations is expected to be taken by the School Board at the Tuesday, May 27 meeting at 7 p.m. in the Townsite Centre Board Room. It was suggested that the students and co-chairs make the presentation to the School Board. Aske encouraged all task force members to attend the board meetings.

Erickson moved, Naugle seconded, to accept the recommendation report and present the report to the School Board on May 12. Motion carried.


Task force members reviewed the minutes from the April 17 meeting. Hearing no additions or corrections the minutes stand as written.

Other Comments

Dr. Nybladh, on behalf of the School Board and district administration, thanked the task force members for their efforts and reminded them that they are a part of history.