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As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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Did You Know Moorhead Area Public Schools has a Bullying Policy?

The goal of the policy is to prevent bullying and respond to acts of bullying, intimidation, violence and other similar disruptive behavior.

Want more information?

What Can - and Should - Parents Expect the School to Do?

Whether your child is a bully, victim, or bystander, you should expect the following from school:

1. School administrators, teachers, and staff do take bullying problems seriously. The school will investigate the situation and let you know what steps they're taking to help stop the bullying.

2. Written school policies and rules against bullying, harassment, and intimidation are in place and will be enforced.

3. Teachers and administrators will speak to the bully and his parents. If the bullying continues, the school will enforce the consequences listed in the district bullying policy and procedures.

4. Teachers and administrators will increase adult supervision in the areas of the school campus where bullying incidents are most likely to occur.

5. School personnel will be well-informed about the children who are being victimized by bullies so they can monitor and provide support to the victims as needed. Building principals will communicate often to the victims' parents to tell them how the situation is being handled at school.

When Should the Victim's Parents Contact School Authorities?

If your child has been the victim of bullying at school, the following document may be of help:

When Should a Parent Report Bullying

Parent Resources from the Minnesota Department of Education

Many parents struggle with how to handle bullying in school. The Minnesota Department of Education has come out with the following tools to help answer parent questions about bullying.

Bullying - Possible Actions to Take if a Child is Being Bullied
Family Bullying Prevention