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As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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  • From seeing how the district spends tax dollars to providing opportunities for lifelong learning, Moorhead Area Public Schools and the community are partners in education. We welcome your interest.
Lifelong Learning

2015-2018 Construction Projects and Education Programs

Following approval of the $78.2 million bond referendum on Nov. 3, 2015, Moorhead Area Public Schools began the next steps in implementing the district’s facilities master plan. The goal was to open both the grades 5-6 school connected to Horizon Middle School and the new K-4 elementary school open by fall of 2017. Dorothy Dodds Elementary School and Horizon Middle School West Campus opened for the 2017-18 school year.

The bond referendum provided for growth and learning by:

  • Adding secure entries in all school buildings;
  • Creating adequate and appropriate learning environments for students from early childhood through grade 8;
  • Building a K-4 elementary;
  • Building a grades 5-6 school connected to Horizon Middle School to create a shared grades 5-8 campus reducing transitions for students;
  • Building an auditorium for school and community use at Horizon Middle School; and
  • Returning Probstfield Center for Education to an early childhood and district education center focused on the needs of our youngest learners.

Our community and the school district have been growing steadily since 2005 and that growth is projected to continue. To accommodate this growth and provide our students with the 21st century learning experiences they need to succeed, we engaged in an extensive community-driven facilities planning process.

The facilities task force process created a 10-year Facilities Master Plan for the district to address current and future needs. This plan led to the Nov. 3 bond referendum to invest $78.2 million in renovation of existing schools and construction of new space.

Implementation Plan

The Moorhead School Board accepted the Facilities Master Plan on February 23, 2015, and directed district administration to develop plans for further action. The implementation plan called for community and staff research task forces to review research and educational programming and provide recommendations to Moorhead Area Public Schools administration.
